Few people know that Roberto Angelini’s dream was to study medicine, but he decided to give up that dream in order to continue with the business that had meant so much effort and sacrifice for his family. Furthermore, few know that, upon graduating from the Pontificia Universidad Católica with a degree in Civil Engineering, the current chairman of Empresas Copec did not immediately join the companies of the business group, which at that time were concentrated in the fishing sector. His first work experience was as an employee at Indus Lever (now known as Unilever), where he worked for two years as a Product Development Engineer.

“I carry fishing in my soul because we started out as a family in this industry when we arrived in Chile in the early 1950s.”
It was in the mid-1970s when Roberto Angelini joined the business group. Following in the footsteps of his father, Gino, he moved to live in Arica, where he began his career as an engineer at the Eperva plant. About those beginnings, his almost five decades working in the companies and the current and future challenges, is what Roberto Angelini talks about in this interview conducted by Francisca Riveros, Chief Communications Officer of Empresas Copec.
What memories do you have of the beginning of your career in the business group?
I started working at Eperva as a plant engineer, under the administration of Mr. Abilio Gutiérrez, a contemporary of my father, who was a great teacher.

I keep the best memories of that time, since I started a new life in Arica with my wife Ana Maria and my daughter Daniela, who at that time was only six months old. And, the following year, my son Maurizio was born. So these memories are shaped by the first years of life of my two eldest children. And it was a fortune, because we lived in a very quiet city, where I had the possibility to have lunch at home every day and to lead a very close family life.

You have always said that, for you, the fishing industry has a special meaning. Why?
Well, I carry it in my soul because we started out as a family in this industry when we arrived in Chile in the early 50’s. My father started the Arica plant; then Abilio Gutiérrez succeeded him, whom I replaced, and later, his son, Jorge Gutiérrez, took my place. So it was a rather unbelievable chain of events. It was a succession from father to son, a very beautiful story.
That is why I have such a strong feeling, so close to my heart, that comes from when we started in the fishing activity, affections that last until today.
After almost five decades working in this business group, what are the most significant changes you have seen during this period?
Well, as I said, we started with a small fishing company, Eperva, and then we grew in this area by adding other companies in the same business. Then, in the 1960s, we entered the forestry sector through Maderas Prensadas Cholguán. We were, until then, a small business group. We took the big leap in 1985, when we entered Copec, a company which, at that time, was practically bankrupt. We then had to rationalize all operations, pay debts, reorganize the whole company. At that time, Copec had investments as diverse as ARAUCO, Banco de Santiago, CCU, Ladeco, Saesa, Frontel, the retail company ABC and the Pesquera Guanaye. But we decided to focus only on the forestry and energy businesses and gradually sell the rest of the companies that were not related to those. Over time, we have seen how, thanks to the work of a great team, each of these sectors has developed, both locally and internationally, mainly through ARAUCO, Copec and Abastible. In recent years, we have added a mining arm with Mina Justa in Peru, and the fishing area has diversified into the food industry with Nutrisco.

And among so many changes, what has remained intact in the business group?
What has prevailed intact is, first, integrity; second, excellent human relations; third, loyalty; fourth, long-term vision; and fifth, responsibility. These are five characteristics that we have maintained and I hope they will always remain in the administration of Empresas Copec.
For me they are core values. Everything we have achieved as a business group is not done alone, but together with a team of people, with very close human relationships. And with great loyalty. That is what I would say is the basis of a very solid team, very united, where we move forward and grow together.
What has been the most complex moment you have had to face during this period?
There have been several, as usual in the business world. Of course, one of the most difficult moments was when we had a long and complex arbitration trial with Carter Holt Harvey, from New Zealand, that was later acquired by US International Paper. We had invested in Copec in 1985, together with the New Zealand company, but the latter was later acquired by International Paper, which in turn was a competitor of ARAUCO, so they had a clear conflict of interest. There were many years of litigations, as they wanted to disregard the administration powers that the Chilean Group had over the joint business. I had never been involved in a situation of that nature before.

Fortunately, it ended very well for the Group, since the arbitrator agreed with us that we had the administration and ordered Carter Holt Harvey to pay the damages it had caused. At the end, Carter Hold Harvey sold us its share, for US$1.2 billion, leaving us with 60% of the control of Copec, through AntarChile.

And, of course, there are other difficult moments, which have occurred in the past and have challenged the professional and management team, leaving us lessons to be learned and encouraging us to review, strengthen and promote continuous improvements in our standards and controls. Difficulties that, at the end of the day, have given the management the confidence and capacity to face what is to come in a better way. We are a very large Group, in terms of assets and people, so we understand that difficulties times are part of our journey.
Another complex event was the death of your uncle Anacleto Angelini. How did you live through that moment and what was it like to take his place in leading the business group?
Yes, that moment was very painful, since I always say that I had two fathers: the one who gave me life and my uncle Anacleto. For different reasons I lived with him and his wife, Aunt Marita, for several years during my school years. So it was quite painful to lose, first my father and, years later, him. They were very close and here in Chile they worked together to give life to what is today this group of more than 100 companies.
I always lived together with these two brothers who ran the business, but with whom we also spent weekends, Christmas, etc. So it was quite hard when my father passed away prematurely in 1994 and, thirteen years later, when my uncle left us. We were very close. Uncle Cleto had his office next to mine, so we shared a lot. He worked until the last days of his life and died at the age of 93.
As I had been working with him for a long time in all the companies and on all the boards of directors, the transfer came very naturally when he left us. He imprinted on the business group a stamp and values that I have tried to maintain and promote to this day.

In your opinion, what has been the group’s greatest achievement?
It is difficult to think of just one, because I would say there have been several. One of them is the development, growth and internationalization of the companies. Today we have operations in 16 countries and a commercial presence in 80.
In the case of ARAUCO, it is satisfying to see how we have developed the forestry business, first in Chile and then with the expansion into Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, the United States, Mexico, Portugal, Germany, Spain and South Africa.
Copec’s leadership in the Chilean market has also been a great achievement for so many years, 89 to be exact, as it celebrates nine decades next year. To see how it has consolidated itself as a brand that is very much loved by our compatriots and how it has managed to take, even to countries such as Colombia, Peru, the Dominican Republic and others, the “first in service” model. In addition, it is impressive to see how Copec and other companies in the group such as Abastible are evolving, adjusting and transforming their business model to lead the energy transition in the country. Abastible is already present in 6 countries.

I think it was also an important decision to have invested, more recently, in Mina Justa, in Peru. So I believe that international growth has been a tremendous achievement and has made Empresas Copec a relevant player not only in Chile, but also globally. Chilean companies, but with a global presence. And behind that there is a lot of work, from a lot of people.
Within these achievements, is there any particular moment or milestone that you remember in particular?
That’s tough, so many come to mind! One of them is the inauguration of ARAUCO’s Line 2 in 1991, which was attended by the President of the Republic at the time, Patricio Aylwin, Cardinal Juan Francisco Fresno and several ministers. It was a very significant moment, because ARAUCO was taking a very important step, doubling its pulp production capacity and positioning itself on a global level, and the highest authorities of that time celebrated with us.
Education is a relevant topic guiding the business group’s management, why, in your opinion, is it so relevant?
When my father and uncle came from Italy to Chile to start a business and as they grew in their industrial activities, they realized that there was a great deficit in education. There were very skilled people, very willing to work, with a desire to undertake, to develop, but there was a problem of education.
So the concern arose to help in this area. And the business group has been promoting, for many years now, several initiatives that benefit early childhood, children and young people from the most vulnerable sectors. We do this through our own organizations such as the Arauco, Constitución and Cholguán schools, the ARAUCO Educational Foundation, and the Terpel Foundation. We are currently supporting the Angelini Foundation, which is chaired by my sister, Patricia, and where my children and nephews and nieces participate.
“Purpose is a very nice phrase, but we can’t just stop there, we have to put it into practice.”
We should also mention other external organizations, such as the Juan Pablo II Foundation, Belén Educa Foundation and Enseña Chile, and programs such as Copec’s Viva Leer, among others.
So supporting education has been a very distinctive stamp of this business group.
What about innovation?
Well, I believe that we have to innovate to continue leading. Our companies have a vocation to lead the businesses in which they participate, and to do so for decades it is essential to have innovation in the DNA. Undoubtedly, this has been a key and determining factor in the success of our companies. In times as changing as the ones we live in today, we must learn and unlearn, experiment without fear of making mistakes, open our minds and reinvent or transform ourselves as many times as necessary. And this is what Empresas Copec and its subsidiaries are trying to do.
In addition, and beyond our companies, as a business group and as a family we contributed with the creation of the Copec-UC Foundation and the UC Anacleto Angelini Innovation Center, a symbol of the relationship that should exist between business, academia and society. A place to incubate projects and ventures with a very clear orientation: to help solve the country’s problems.
How has the transition from leading a local company to a global one been for you?
I believe that this happens mainly by empowering and trusting the teams we have. In this business group we have really talented collaborators, who are fully committed and who understand perfectly where we are going. So that has been an essential support for me, to undertake in other countries, with all the challenges in terms of culture, idiosyncrasy, legislation, language, etc. The key has been that these teams are made up of people who, regardless of their nationality, share the same values I mentioned before: integrity, excellent human relations, loyalty, long-term vision and responsibility.
“I am convinced of the ability of companies to transform the world”

Today, society demands more from companies and expects more from them. What is your vision in this regard?
I think it is very good, since all companies, but especially large companies such as Empresas Copec and its subsidiaries, have an important role to play in the great challenges we face today as a society, both locally and globally. Challenges such as climate change, the growth and development of countries and social issues such as education, to mention a few that seem to me to be extremely relevant. I am convinced of the ability of companies to transform the world and, therefore, to play an irreplaceable role in addressing these challenges.
When you see and analyze the size of Empresas Copec, you also realize that the impact it can generate is huge and this implies a tremendous responsibility to promote a positive impact that benefits the greatest number of people. So, today companies do not exist only to produce, sell and generate profits. That, of course, is relevant, because you have to answer to shareholders and investors, but achieving this in the long term is a consequence of doing things well, of adding value to people, communities and countries. And it is along these lines that this year we redefined the purpose of Empresas Copec: To shape the world for future generations.
“The purpose of Empresas Copec represents what we exist for as a company. To shape the world for future generations”.

You mentioned the purpose of Empresas Copec, what does it mean to you?
Well, this purpose represents what we exist for as a company. To shape the world for future generations. It’s a very nice phrase or statement, but we can’t just stop there, we have to put it into practice, otherwise it’s just a tagline. That’s why our purpose is at the core of our business and is our roadmap. It is a commitment that drives us to promote sustainable investments and businesses, but it also implies making courageous decisions such as dismissing potential businesses or disinvesting in others that are not along these lines.
If companies, as you mention, play such a relevant role in society, why do you think there is so much distrust towards the private world? What have companies done wrong?
On the one hand, we have to consider that companies are managed by people and, therefore, they make mistakes, which affect their reputation and bring with them, of course, mistrust. The important thing, in these cases, is to acknowledge the mistakes, in a timely and transparent manner, resolve them, learn from them and establish protocols and measures to ensure that they are not repeated.
On the other hand, if we look at our history as a business group, we have kept a low profile and have communicated little about what our contribution is, beyond economic benefits.

And while in the past that seemed to work, people, communities and society have changed and not only demand more from companies, but also demand greater transparency from them.
And that is where we are today. We are trying to communicate more, to spread the value that our business group generates in society and why it is good for the society that Empresas Copec exists. That is how this year we took an important step, since generally companies, at least in Chile, only tell what we do and how we do it. But with the #NoMoreShortTermism campaign, linked to our purpose, we are communicating what we believe in. Because we are convinced that facing global challenges, from climate change to economic inequality, requires a long-term view that considers the welfare of the next generations.
“As part of Empresas Copec’s 90th anniversary, Roberto Angelini reviews the history of the holding company: major milestones, lessons learned and upcoming challenges”.

What does it mean to you to lead one of the most important business groups in Chile?
Well, it is a very big responsibility but I am not alone, I’m with a great team of collaborators. So I feel very responsible, but at the same time very well accompanied in this task. Fortunately, I have a first-class team, which gives me confidence, peace of mind and allows me to sleep well at night. The truth is that I feel tremendously proud of the team, old and new, Chileans and foreigners, of so many different professions, ages and experiences, but all of them with the same values.
For me, people are the most important thing. And that is a legacy from my uncle Anacleto, who always instilled in us the relevance of cultivating close and human relationships with people.
What about your family? What role does it play in your life as an entrepreneur?
My family has been a key pillar. First, because my father and my uncle Anacleto were the ones who came to Chile as entrepreneurs, they were the ones who started the business in an unknown country, from scratch. And today, my children, nieces and nephews work in companies of the group or participate in boards of directors, for which they have studied a lot, they have prepared themselves and have been learning about the business from different areas.
On a more personal level, I believe that my family has always been my driving force. My wife, my four children and my 12 grandchildren are, without a doubt, my greatest achievement in life.

“For me, people are the most important thing. And that is a legacy from my uncle Anacleto, who always instilled in us the relevance of cultivating close and human relationships with people.”.
And finally, how do you see Empresas Copec in 10 years’ time, when it celebrates its first 100 years?
I see this business group growing in all its businesses: forestry, energy and natural resources, through sustainable management, generating long-term economic value and delivering social and environmental value and well-being to the countries where we are present. And, of course, I see the team of Empresas Copec and its subsidiaries working hard and committed to the purpose of leaving a better world for future generations.
The Angelinis, a history shaped by war

Giuseppe Angelini was a hemp merchant in Ferrara, northern Italy, which allowed him and his wife, Adalgisa Fabbri, to raise their three sons: Anacleto, Gino and Arturo. However, the Angelini Fabbri’s life was hit hard in 1939: the arrival of the war would force the family to separate: Gino, Roberto Angelini’s father, was called up for military service by the Italian army and his brother Anacleto went to Africa, where he would live for 10 years and develop a salt business, known as the “white gold” of the time.
Gino spent two years as a prisoner of war in Stuttgart, Germany, where he was forced to work in an armaments factory. There, he experienced first-hand the horrors of war and lost a close friend in a bombing raid. He and his four surviving partners made a pact: they would name their first male child after their deceased friend: Roberto.
When the war ended, Gino returned to Italy. His girlfriend, Silvana Rossi, was waiting for him there, after two years without seeing each other and knowing very little about each other. They married in Ferrara, in a simple ceremony, as times were not ripe for big celebrations. On July 30, 1948 they welcomed their first son, whom they named Roberto, fulfilling Gino’s promise.
In 1948 Anacleto decided to go to Chile to start a business, after returning to Italy after the war and finding his homeland completely devastated. Two years later, Gino would also emigrate to the South American country. Meanwhile, Silvana and her son Roberto would remain in Italy, until 1951, when they boarded, with a luggage of only two trunks, the ship “Antoniotto Usodimare”, in Genoa. From there they would begin a 30-day voyage that would take them to the port of Valparaíso. There, Gino and Anacleto were waiting for them to travel by car to Santiago to settle in a simple lodging, downtown the Chilean capital. Three years later, another member of the family would arrive: Patricia, Roberto’s only sister.
In Chile, Anacleto and Gino Angelini began a new life and a history of entrepreneurship defined by integrity, hard work, rigor and perseverance, values that allowed them to found and develop several businesses, which today consolidate the Empresas Copec parent company.